The Mystery of the
Voice November 2015 IntroductionWe know that Jesus is the “I Am”, not the “I Was” or the “I Will Be”. When we see what God is presently doing and are a part of that, that is truly walking with God: I JOHN 1:7 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have
fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth
us from all sin. As was discussed in the article The Coming of the Lord, the Rapture is a process that started in 1963 when the Seven Seals were opened. That process consists of three parts: the Shout, the Voice, and the Trumpet (I Thessalonians 4:16). We are currently in “the Voice” phase of the second coming of the Lord. What has the Lord been doing in this “Voice” phase since Brother Branham left the scene? This is what this article is about. If you have not already done so, please first read The Coming of the Lord article before proceeding on to read this article. The Second Coming of the LordAs was brought out in The Coming of the Lord article, the second coming of the Lord is a process consisting of three stages: the Shout, the Voice, and the Trumpet: I THESSALONIANS 4:15-17 15 For this we say unto you by
the word of the Lord, that we which are alive [and] remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not
prevent them which are asleep. 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from
heaven [Revelation 10:1] with a shout, with the voice
of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ
shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive [and]
remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord
in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Brother Branham explains these
terms clearly in the Message The Rapture: RAPTURE.THE_ YUMA.AZ SATURDAY_
65-1204 152 Shout,
a messenger getting the people ready... The second is a voice of the
resurrection. The same voice that, a loud voice in St. John 11:38 and 44 that
called Lazarus from the grave. Getting the Bride together, and then the
resurrection of the dead (See?), to be caught up with it. Now, watch the
three things take place. 153 The next is what? was a trumpet.
A voice--a shout, a voice, a trumpet. Now, the third thing is a trumpet,
which always at the Feast of Trumpets is calling the people to the feast; and
that'll be the Bride's supper, the Lamb's supper with the Bride in the sky. So the Shout ministry was the ministry of Brother Branham from 1963 – 1965. The ministry of the Voice of the Archangel (Christ) has been going on since 1963 up to the present time. And the Trumpet will be the final Rapture call when we receive the body change and rise to meet the Lord in the air. So the process of the Rapture has been going on since 1963. The picture below depicts the three comings of the Lord: Since Brother Branham’s ministry was “the Shout” (the Message), and since “the Trumpet” is the final Rapture call which is yet to come, then the Bride of Christ is currently fulfilling “the Voice” phase of the coming of the Lord. Revelation 10:8-11 and the Third Pull MinistryWe know that Revelation 10:1-7 was fulfilled by the one-man ministry of the seventh church age messenger, William Branham. Therefore, Revelation 10:1-7 was the ministry of “the Shout”: REVELATION 10:7 7 But in the days of the voice
of the seventh angel, when he
shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath
declared to his servants the prophets. We also know that Revelation 11 is the ministry of the two witnesses (Moses and Elijah) which are to appear to Israel after the Rapture during the great tribulation period: REVELATION 11:3 3 And I will give [power] unto my two witnesses, and they shall
prophesy a thousand two hundred [and] threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. Therefore, the ministry of “the Voice”, what has been going on since the opening of the Seven Seals and since Brother Branham left the scene but before the final Rapture call (“the Trumpet”) has been Revelation 10:8-11: REVELATION 10:8-11 8 And the voice which I heard
from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go [and] take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which
standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. 9 And I went unto the angel,
and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take [it],
and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy
mouth sweet as honey. 10 And I took the little book
out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey:
and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. 11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. Revelation 10:8-11 is what is being fulfilled now in the Bride. It is the “I Am” ministry, “the Voice” phase of the Rapture. Now we also know that the Third Pull Ministry began in 1963 after Brother Branham preached the message Christ is the Mystery of God Revealed: CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY_ JEFF.IN
SUNDAY 63-0728 94-1 Not knowing (of course, being spiritual, you watch spiritual things)--not knowing this, God knows it. But if you'll turn and look at the clock, it's on the dot 2 o'clock: the end of the Second Pull, the Third Pull is at hand. Therefore, the Third Pull ministry, the Voice phase of the Rapture, and Revelation 10:8-11 are all taking place at the same time. This is what is going on now. This is the “I Am” ministry that the Bride has been and is fulfilling. The Ministry of Jesus Parallels TodayJust as Jesus had “three pulls” to his ministry, so has there been “three pulls” to the ministry in this day. The placing of the Third Pull in Jesus’s day shows where we are at in this day: THE MINISTRY OF JESUS *
Jesus’s 1st and 2nd Pulls =>
Healing, Prophesying (rebuking organization) *
Quiet time, all forsaking Him *
Crucifixion *
THIRD PULL Ministry (preached to souls in prison) *
Resurrection (Old Testament RAPTURE) END-TIME PARALLEL *
1st and 2nd Pulls => Brother Branham 1946 - 1963 *
Quiet time, all forsaking the Word => Present Stage of My Ministry - 1962 *
Crucifixion =>
THIRD PULL begins 1963 (CTM
Page 94 "2nd Pull ended, Third Pull at hand") !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! WE ARE HERE !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * Resurrection (New Testament RAPTURE) The Three Phases of “the Voice” MinistryAfter John takes the little Book (the opened Seven Seal Book, the just restored Word) and eats it, there are three phases that follow: REVELATION 10:10-11 10 And I took the little book
out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as
soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. 11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. So the three stages are: 1. Sweet in the mouth 2. Bitter in the belly 3. Thou must prophesy again These three phases are what the Bride has been fulfilling since 1963. It has been the Third Pull ministry which cannot be impersonated. The specific phase which cannot be impersonated is the “bitter in the belly” phase as will be discussed later. We will discuss these three phases of “the Voice” part of the coming of the Lord in the following sections. The “Sweet in the Mouth” PhaseJust like when one eats food in the natural, the first stage is putting that food in one’s mouth and chewing on it. This phase in the Bride is when the restored Word is first partaken of, when we first came into the Message of the hour. It is a time of excitement, of energy, of “sweetness”. The Word tastes good: PSALMS 34:8 8 O taste and see that the LORD [is] good:
blessed [is] the man [that] trusteth in him. All of the new truths and doctrines that we were learning (Serpent Seed, Oneness, Soul Change, Water Baptism, etc.) were all “sweet in the mouth” when we first partook of Them. This is an easy and enjoyable and inspiring stage. The Third Pull AspectSince the Third Pull is going on at the same time, there has to be an aspect of the Third Pull that corresponds to this “sweet in the mouth” stage. This corresponding aspect is what Brother Branham referred to as “the opening of the Word, the mysteries revealed”: ANOINTED.ONES.AT.END.TIME.title
JEFF.IN V-5 N-3 65-0725M 262 Notice the very day when this messenger, not
when he starts on the, but when he begins to declare his Message. See? The First Pull, healing; Second Pull, prophesying; Third Pull,
the opening of
the Word, the mysteries revealed. No more... There's no more
higher order to reveal the Word than prophets. But the only way the prophet
can be a-vindicated is by the Word. And remember the Third Pull was the opening of them Seven Seals to reveal the hidden
Truth that's been sealed in the Word. Do you see it? It is then,
in that day when this thing is to take place that Jannes and Jambres, the
impersonators, will appear again, just like they did when Moses appeared with
the original Word to say it; they appear to impersonate it. Just exactly
right. Now, you see what Matthew 24:24 is? See? Anointed ones. This stage is also where people’s pride and arrogance tend to express, for this is the stage where much knowledge is gained, therefore the temptation to get “puffed up”: I CORINTHIANS 8:1b 1 Knowledge puffeth up, but
charity edifieth. The “Bitter in the Belly” PhaseThe next stage of partaking of food is when the food that was just enjoyably chewed is then swallowed and enters the stomach. This is where the food is actually digested and goes through the main process of becoming a part of you. This is the stage that cannot be impersonated, because it involves overcoming, dying out to self, character development, ripening, change. The Rapture is only for the overcomers: REVELATION 3:21 21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even
as I also overcame,
and am set down with my Father in his throne. And what is it that we have to overcome? Ourselves: HOW.CAN.I.OVERCOME_
63-0825M 72 The thing you have to overcome is yourself, your ideas, your things, and surrender yourself to Him. He overcome for you. He knows the way; we don't. Notice that the Word becomes “bitter in the belly”. Bitterness in the Scriptures speaks of death: 113-1 SMYRNAEAN.CHURCH.AGE
- CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.4 The word Smyrna means, "bitter," being derived from the word,
myrrh. Myrrh was used in embalming the dead. Thus we have a twofold
significance found in the name of this age. It was a bitter
age filled with death. This is the hard stage where we die out to self and the Word becomes a living part of us. It is the stage of true character development, character being what is truly beautiful to God: GOD.IN.SIMPLICITY_
JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 63-0317M 3-2 May it be a consecrated place to our Lord, a consecrated people, for no matter how beautiful the structure is (that we certainly do appreciate), the beauty of the church is the character of the people. 117-1 SMYRNAEAN.CHURCH.AGE
- CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.4 Unless we suffer with Him we cannot reign with Him. You have to suffer to reign. The reason for this is that character simply is never made without suffering. Character is a VICTORY, not a gift. A man without character can't reign because power apart from character is Satanic. But power with character is fit to rule. And since He wants us to share even His throne on the same basis that He overcame and is set down in His Father's throne, then we have to overcome to sit with Him. 351-3 LAODICEAN.CHURCH.AGE
- CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.9 "You had better come before it is too late," saith the
Lord, "and buy of Me gold tried in the fire and then you will be truly
rich." Are we getting it? Listen to me, "Naked (physically) we came
into the world, but naked (spiritually) we will NOT leave it." Oh no, we
are going to take something with us. What that something is, is ALL we can
take with us, nothing less and nothing more. So we had better be real careful
now to see that we take something that will make us right before God. So,
then, what will we take with us? We will take our CHARACTER, brother, that is
what we will take with us. Now what kind of character will you take with you?
Will it be like HIS Whose character was molded by suffering in the fiery
furnace of affliction, or will it be the softness of this character-less
Laodicean people? It is up to each one of us, for in that day every man will
bear his own burden. This stage involves being able to humble oneself, to be able to cry, “I AM WRONG”: 355-3 LAODICEAN.CHURCH.AGE
- CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.9 "Be zealous and repent." Now this false church has zeal;
make no mistake about that. Her zeal has literally been that of the Jews,
John 2:17, "The zeal of thine house hath eaten Me up." But it is a wrong zeal. It is for the
house of their own building. It is for their own creeds, dogmas,
organizations, their own righteousness. They have put the Word out for their
own ideas. They deposed the Holy Ghost and made men into leaders. They have
put aside Eternal Life as a Person, and make it good works, or even church
conformity rather than good works. But
God is calling for another zeal. It is the zeal to cry "I AM
WRONG". Anybody can go out with the wrong kind of zeal and be strong in themselves and preach all kinds of teachings and “deep revelations” in the Message, but very few (only the Bride) will be able to humble themselves and have the character to be able to say, “I am wrong”. Some, when they have been wrong in the past, want to just put their actions in the past and change now, without publicly, if need be, humbling themselves and clearly admitting where they were wrong. That is not the character of God. One must come clean before God and man. Brother Branham said that “if it takes the skin off of you, do it anyhow”, because that is the only way to get right with God: QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_
64-0823E 1016-92
But first, when you come to the altar and remember there's ought, go
first and make that right. And as long as this other party here is guilty of
not telling his wife... This wife has made herself clear. Now, it's up to her
and her husband. But this other man and his wife has to come clear in it. And
you cannot... No matter what you do,
it'll haunt you as long as you live until you wash it clean. There's only
one way to do it: Confess it. If it
takes the skin off of you, do it anyhow. Tell the truth, then
you've got it right. Amen. I can hear plenty on the tape saying, "That's wrong." But you just try it one time and see if it isn't. All right. Maybe this humility would involve a church or a pastor having to go back 15 to 20 years from now, back to where he went off and start all over again, admitting this publicly if need be. This would take great humility, but God would honor that humility with grace (unmerited love): JAMES 4:6 6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. I PETER 5:6 6 Humble yourselves therefore
under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Things cannot just be “swept under the rug” as if nothing happened – they must be confessed and made right. The Third Pull AspectSo what are the aspects of the Third Pull ministry that correspond to this “bitter in the belly” phase? They are those aspects of the Third Pull that Brother Branham described as: * It will not be a public show * It cannot be impersonated * It is a “quietening time” * It is a time of ripening in the presence of the S-O-N WHAT.IS.A.VISION.title
CHI.IL V-2 N-9 56-0408A 18-6
And then when it did, this One that was standing by me, behind me, the
same voice, the Angel's voice, He said, "I'll meet you in there, and
this is the third
pull, but nobody will know nothing about it." And I said, "Well, I don't understand why in there. Why
there?" He said, "It will not be a public show this time." SEVENTH.SEAL.THE.title
JEFF.IN 63-0324E 558-4
Remember, Satan will try to impersonate. He will try to impersonate
everything that the Church will do. He's tried to do it. We've noticed it
through the antichrist; but this is one thing he cannot impersonate.
There'll be no mimics to this (See?), 'cause he don't know it. There's no way
for him to know it. It's the third pull. He just knows
nothing about it. See? He doesn't understand it. DESPERATION.title
JEFF.IN V-4 N-1 63-0901E 21 And the devil can impersonate
any of those things. But he cannot be the Holy Ghost. See? He can impersonate these gifts, but he
can't be the Holy Ghost. And the Holy Ghost is the Token that the Blood's
been applied, because It follows the Blood all the way from the Book of
Redemption. See it? DESPERATION.title
JEFF.IN V-4 N-1 63-0901E 32 Now, God, the Creator, can
make a set of lungs. I--I truly believe that we're on the--the verge of
one of the most mightiest things that ever struck the earth since the
days...?... See? But now, we can only be known as... It'll be so humble. See? See, what man calls mighty, God calls
abomination. But what man calls foolish, God calls mighty. See? But now watch
it (See?); it'll be so humble that you'll never miss--that you'll miss it if you've not got the Token there to
examine it. You see? See? 33 Who would ever thought that
the mountains was skipping like little rams and the leaves were clapping
their hands, when a prophet came forth from the wilderness, that was spoken
by Isaiah 1,200 or 712 years before, with whiskers all over his face, and a
piece of sheepskin, not even a pulpit to preach in, excommunicated from all
the churches, and standing on the bank of the Jordan screaming,
"Repent!" And called the people a bunch of vipers, snakes. But
that's what God said, that when He come the mountains would skip like little
rams. See? The
humble saw it and was glad. CHRIST.REVEALED.IN.HIS.OWN.WORD.title JEFF.IN
V-4 N-10 65-0822M 152 Now, notice the Light... You
can't see with your hands, yet it's part of the body. You can't see with the
ears, yet it can hear. You can't see with the nose, yet it smells. You
can't--you can't see with the lips, though it speaks. See? That was the
Pentecostal age. But now,
it's in the eye time, the seeing. See? Now, there isn't one moving faculty beyond the eye. Is
that right? The next is the Intelligence, which is Christ Itself, Who
controls the whole body: no moving motion beyond that. See? Everything else has moved. See? Move your feet,
move you muscles in your legs, move everything, move your--your ears, to move
your nose, your--the lips, and so forth, but after your eyes, there's nothing
moves. In the above quote, the “eye time” was the time when Brother Branham (the seer) was on the scene. The time period we are in now is the time of the “no moving motion beyond that”. It is the “quietening time” between the revival and His coming: CALLING.JESUS.ON.THE.SCENE.title
DENHAM.SP.LA 64-0319 E-17
Now, these disciples had seen that. And in an amateur form they were
living the joy, while Jesus was resting, of what they seen done that day. And
I think the revival's doing something like that, that we're now just living
in a quietening
time, while He's resting, maybe, between the meetings, or the revival
and His coming. And we are rejoicing over the things that we have
seen done during the time of this revival: great, wonderful works. No matter
what the world says, we still seen it done. It's a statement. It's a fact. It
was done. 375-4 RESUME.OF.THE.AGES
- CHURCH.AGE.BOOK.CPT.10 Harvest time. Have you noticed that in the harvest time, though there
is a real acceleration in the ripening, there is consequently a slowing of growth until there is no growth? Is
that not exactly what we are seeing now? The false vine is losing multitudes
to the Communists and various other types of belief. Her numbers are not
increasing as she would like us to think. Her hold on the people is not what
it used to be, and in so many cases going to church is just a show. And the
true vine? What about her? Is she growing? Where are those vast numbers that
keep coming to revivals and answer altar calls? Are not most of them merely
emotional in their approach, or desirous of something physical rather than
desiring that which is truly Spiritual? Is this age not like the day in
which Noah entered the ark, and the door was shut, but yet God tarried in
judgment seven days? No one was literally turned to God in those silent days. The “bitter in the belly” phase is the time of the ripening of the grain: RAPTURE.THE.title YUMA.AZ V-5 N-14
65-1204 153 See,
the first things comes forth is His Message calling the Bride together. The
next thing is a resurrection of the sleeping Bride, the--the one that's died
back in the other ages. They're caught together, and the trumpet, the feast
in the heavens--in the sky. Why, it's--that's the thing that takes place,
friends. We're right there ready now. The only thing, the church coming out has got to lay
before the sun to ripen. The great combine will come by after
while. The wheat will be burned, the stalks, but the grain will be gathered
into it's garner. See? It is the time where the hot sun is burning out all of the moisture from the grain to bring it back to the form that the seed was in when it was originally planted. The grain becomes a golden color, which types out the Christ-like character formed in the Bride during this stage: 351-1 LAODICEAN.CHURCH.AGE
- CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.9 The gold of God is a Christ-like character produced in the fiery furnace of affliction. That is the right kind of gold. HARVEST.TIME_
PHOENIX.AZ SATURDAY_ 64-1212 352 It's a carrier. It had to be.
But when that wheat begins to grow, like the church first was a carrier to
Jesus, but when He begin to tell them the Truth of God, they separated from
Him. Now, what's happening? No cooperation. Why? It has to be that way, so that the
wheat itself can lay before the sun, s-u-n, and so the spiritual wheat can
lay before the S-o-n to be turned to a golden
grain of the Word (See?) made Word, God
made flesh, vindicated. The... "He that believeth on Me, the
works that I do shall He also." The church that lives by that Word,
rightly, not through organization, but in Presence of the Word, the Son, it
becomes (What?) a very same Word that went down on the day of Pentecost. The “bitter in the belly” phase parallels the time of Christ when he entered into the Garden of Gethsemane and then died upon the Cross. The Anointing left Him in the Garden of Gethsemane: RISING.OF.THE.SUN_
65-0418M 34-5 When
God looked down upon the body... (The Spirit left Him in the Garden of Gethsemane; He had
to die a man.) He died more death in Gethsemane than He did on the Cross, when He made the ultimate sacrifice for us and prayed, “not My Will, but Thine be done”: COMMUNION_ JEFF.IN ER 21-34
THURSDAY_ 57-0418 46 And when our blessed Lord in
the Gethsemane, when going there, when He was re--to be rejected at
Jerusalem, and the council was going to take His life... When the Eternal
destination of every soul that ever was or would be on the earth rested upon
His decision... Oh, how little mine was, comparison to that. How little yours
was, in comparison to that. Such a pity that we can't stand these little
things. But in that great crucial hour until He suffered knowing all things,
until the water and Blood separated in His body, and great drops of
sweat-like Blood dropped from His brow... He died more death in Gethsemane than He
did on the cross. What does a ripened corn stock look like? It looks pretty bad – it is not a “public show”. It looks “dead”. But this end result is what the farmer was looking for all along. The great thing about the corn at this time is what it is: But notice in the above picture that there are some green growing plants also. And what are these? These are the tares. This same tares phenomena is happening right now in this end-time. The tares boast that they have “life”, that they are growing, that they are “where it is at”. But their very manifestation proves that they are not a part of the end-time Bride. They are not a part of the hidden ministry of the Third Pull. The “Thou Must Prophesy Again” PhaseThe final stage of Revelation 10:8-11 is the “Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings” stage. And what is this stage but the Life of Christ living Itself out automatically from the Bride of all nations, because the Food (the Word, the Little Book), having been digested in the “bitter in the belly” phase, has now become a living part of Them. The Life of Christ in the Bride is a living testimony to the world: II CORINTHIANS 3:2 2 Ye are our epistle written in
our hearts, known and read of all men: SOULS.IN.PRISON.NOW.title
JEFF.IN. V-2 N-22 63-1110M 42-5
Noah's ministry, all ministries done the same. Noah preached. That is
exactly right. He went into the ark, and when he went into the ark, there was
seven days that nothing happened. His
testimony preached to the doomed... II CORINTHIANS 4:10-11 10 Always bearing about in the
body the dying of the Lord Jesus [“bitter in the belly”], that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our
body [“thou must prophesy again”]. 11 For we which live are alway
delivered unto death for Jesus' sake [“bitter in the belly”], that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our
mortal flesh [“thou must prophesy
- CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.9 Yes sir. The church is no longer the "mouthpiece" of God. It is its own mouthpiece. So God is turning on her. He will confound her through the prophet and the bride, for the voice of God will be in her. Yes it is, for it says in the last chapter of Revelation verse 17 "The Spirit and the bride say come". Once more the world will hear direct from God as at Pentecost; but of course that Word Bride will be repudiated as in the first age. The Third Pull AspectThe aspect of the Third Pull ministry that corresponds to this “thou must prophesy again” phase is what Brother Branham referred to as the Third Pull being “to the totally lost, but for the Bride and the church”: LOOK.AWAY.TO.JESUS.title
JEFF.IN 63-1229E 7-4 And
now, on persons like ourselves, we're going to be cut out of all that altogether.
That's exactly, because they won't be able to do it. It's tightening; and
then when that time comes, and the press comes to a place to where you're
pressed out, then watch (what I am fixing to tell you in a few minutes) watch
the third
pull then. It'll be absolutely to the total lost, but
it--it will be for the Bride and the church. SOULS.IN.PRISON.NOW.title
JEFF.IN. 63-1110M 42-3
And notice, when the Third Pull of
His ministry come, the First was healing the sick, the Second was rebuking their
organizations and prophesying what they had done, what they were, and what
was coming: what is, what will come, what was--what is and will come. That's
what He done. Is that right? But His Third Pull was when He preached to the lost that
couldn't be saved no more. They were down there where them big
painted eyes was. Preached to the souls in hell that did not accept mercy,
but were eternally separated from the Presence of God; SOULS.IN.PRISON.NOW.title
JEFF.IN. 63-1110M 42-5
Noah's ministry, all ministries done the same. Noah preached. That is
exactly right. He went into the ark, and when he went into the ark, there was
seven days that nothing happened. His testimony
preached to the doomed... Sodom
and Gomorrah, Jesus referred to both them as coming 'fore the coming of the
Son of man, so shall it be like the days of Noah, so shall it be in like it
was in the days of Sodom. He referred to Noah. Noah had Three Pulls, and his third was to the lost after the door was shut. For God let him set right there where nobody could enter or go out. They were inside for... On the seventh mountain, the highest mountain, that's where He settled the ark, mountain. See? That right? WORLD.AGAIN.FALLING.APART_
SHP.LA WEDNESDAY_ 63-1127 13 And the last name goes on that Book, or, the last name that's redeemed, that was put on that Book, that settles it. He comes to claim what He redeemed. And it might be a strange time. Did you ever think: people will go right on preaching, the church will go right on even thinking they're getting people saved. It's too late then, it's all over (See?), and the Message will go to the totally lost, just like it did in the days of Noah, seven days in the ark. It did in the days of Sodom. Jesus Himself, His--His third stage of His ministry, He went and preached to souls that were eternally lost, that were in prison, that repented not, long-suffering in the days of Noah. And we don't know what time these things might happen. Just like Jesus preached to the souls in prison before the Resurrection, so the Bride is “prophesying again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings” before the second Resurrection. The Life of Christ is living out of the Bride as a testimony to the totally lost in this day before the Rapture. The Non-Elect in the Message Will Skip the “Bitter in the Belly” PhaseThe “sweet in the mouth” and the “thou must prophesy again” phases can be impersonated, because in these stages people can be “puffed up” with knowledge and go out and preach that knowledge while remaining full of themselves. But the “bitter in the belly” phase cannot be impersonated. It is easy for people that claim to be in the Message to be strong in themselves, to preach “great mysteries”, to get mad and defend themselves when contradicted, to never be able to say “I was wrong”, etc. The Apostle Paul talks about this in I Corinthians 13: I CORINTHIANS 13:1-3 1 Though I speak with the
tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become [as] sounding
brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 2 And though I have [the gift
of] prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I
have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am
nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed [the poor], and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. The non-Elect can do all of the great works listed above, but they do not have the real “Charity”, the real Love, i.e., the Token: TOKEN.THE_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-19
SUNDAY_ 63-0901M 19-4
Paul said, "I give my body to be burned as a sacrifice, give all
my goods to feed the poor, I have faith to move mountains and so forth, and
speak in tongues like men and angels; and all these other things," and
said, "I'm nothing until the Token's been applied." Until this Token (That's what I'm speaking on tonight, the love. See?), now, until this has been applied, I am nothing. See? But to have really gone through the “bitter in the belly” phase of dying out to self so that God’s Own Life (which is the Word expressed) could be manifested - this the non-Elect cannot do: TOKEN.THE.title
JEFF.IN. V-2 N-19 63-0901M 28-1
Oh. Oh, it should make us be--should make our hearts... Oh, apply it,
church. Don't--don't fail. Will you not? Don't--don't--don't let the sun set.
Don't--don't--don't--don't--don't rest day or night. Don't take no chance; it
won't work, children. It won't work. You must have the Token. You say, "I believe, yes. I go... Yeah, I believe the
message." That's all right, but... That--that's good. But you must have
the Token. Do you hear, Branham Tabernacle? You must have the Token
displayed. Without it, all your believing's in vain. See? You'll live a good
life; you listen to what the Word says; you go to church; you try to live
right; that's fine, but that's not it. 28-3
"When I see the Blood," that's the Token, and the Token here
is not... 'cause what did... He had to see the actual chemistry, because the
life had gone, he--had gone from it. It was an animal. But here it's His Own Life that was in the Blood, and the chemistry was
only a signal, or sign of sanctification. But the Life Itself is the Token. For without the circumcision, without the Token, you're not even in
the covenant. The whole thing works together. TOKEN.THE.title
JEFF.IN. V-2 N-19 63-0901M 32-1
Minister, member, good man, moral man, whatever you are, and you know
that God taken cigarettes from you... Women, you know He taken shorts,
and--and short hair, and everything from you. You know He did that, but then
if you turn around, and do despite, and count that Blood of the covenant as
was an unholy thing, that sanctified you and brought you this far... Like the spies, if they come right up here to the borderland, looked
over and said, "Well, I know it is there, but the obstacle's too great.
We look like grasshoppers." They perished in the wilderness: borderline
believers. 32-3
Don't just come this far, say, "I believe the message." You
obey the message. Come into Christ. You say, "Oh, I believe every word
you said, Brother Branham." That's good. but that's just--that is just being able to read. Take the Message; take it into your heart, that you must have the Token, the very Life that was in Christ, be in you. "When I see that, I will pass over you." PAUL.A.PRISONER.OF.CHRIST.title
JEFF.IN V-2 N-8 63-0717 8-1 Now, for the disappointments
will be coming at the judgment... Now, the sinner, the bootlegger, the
gambler, the adulternous (See?), he won't be disappointed to hear his
sentence read to depart into everlasting fire. He won't be disappointed, but
that fellow who's trying to hide himself behind some kind of a church
profession, that's the boy that's going to be disappointed at the day of
judgment (See?), that professes to be a Christian and lives some other way.
It'd be better for him that he never did even make any kind of profession and
started off, than to start and live something different, because he's the
greatest stumbling block we got, is for that professor that says that
he--he--he is a Christian and lives something different. 8-2 Always, don't judge your life by how much power you have to perform miracles, and we don't judge ourself by how much knowledge you have of the Word, but always judge yourself... Look back and take an inventory of what kind of a fruit that the life you presently live now is bearing. See? As I preached sometime ago at a Business Men's meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, of the reflection of Jesus--reflecting Christian Life. False prophets have gone out in this last day, claiming to be new messengers, etc., who preach another gospel than what the Apostle Paul preached. They can impersonate the “sweet in the mouth” and the “prophesy again” phases, but being weeds they cannot go through the ripening process of the Wheat. They are accursed of God: GALATIANS 1:6-9 6 I marvel that ye are so soon
removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: 7 Which is not another; but
there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But though we, or an angel
from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have
preached unto you, let him be accursed.
9 As we said before, so say I
now again, If any [man] preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have
received, let him be accursed. 209-3 PERGAMEAN.CHURCH.AGE
- CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.5 [Brother Branham when he was beyond the
Curtain of Time] I said, "Do you mean I am responsible for all these?" He said, "Every one. You were born a leader." I asked him, "Will every one be responsible? What about Saint
Paul?" He answered me, "He will be responsible for his day." "Well," I said, "I've preached the same Gospel that Paul
preached." And multitude
cried, "We're
resting on that." DiagramThe below diagram is an attempt to summarize in graphical form what has been presented. Collection of Quotes and ScripturesBelow are a collection of quotes and Scriptures related to this “Mystery of the Voice” topic. Many of these quotes were referenced previously, but are collected here as an additional resource. The quotes referred to in the preceding diagram are also contained within the collection of quotes below. REVELATION 10:8-11 8 And the voice which I heard
from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go [and] take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which
standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. 9 And I went unto the angel,
and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take [it],
and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy
mouth sweet as honey. 10 And I took the little book
out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey:
and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. 11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. “Sweet in the Mouth” Phase(The opening of the Word, the Mysteries revealed)ANOINTED.ONES.AT.END.TIME
JEFF.IN V-5 N-3 65-0725M 262 Notice the very day when this messenger, not when he starts on the, but when he begins to declare his Message. See? The First Pull, healing; Second Pull, prophesying; Third Pull, the opening of the Word, the mysteries revealed. No more... There's no more higher order to reveal the Word than prophets. But the only way the prophet can be a-vindicated is by the Word. And remember the Third Pull was the opening of them Seven Seals to reveal the hidden Truth that's been sealed in the Word. Do you see it? It is then, in that day when this thing is to take place that Jannes and Jambres, the impersonators, will appear again, just like they did when Moses appeared with the original Word to say it; they appear to impersonate it. Just exactly right. Now, you see what Matthew 24:24 is? See? Anointed ones. “Bitter in the Belly” Phase(Will not be a public show, cannot be impersonated, the “quietening time”, the time of ripening)WHAT.IS.A.VISION
CHI.IL V-2 N-9 56-0408A 18-6
And just then... Now, here's something. Notice close. There's a
difference between the Angel of the Lord and that Light, because I heard
something a moving, as it does when it comes here at the platform at night,
kinda like a--[Brother Branham makes a sound "whew"--Ed.] and like
a fire whipping around--licking blaze. And It left me, and it went right down
over the top of that audience and went and stood over the top of that little
building, and then settled down on top
of it. And then when It did, this One that was standing by me, behind me, the
same voice, the Angel's voice, He said, "I'll meet you in there, and
this is the third pull, but nobody will know nothing about it." And I said, "Well, I don't understand why in there. Why
there?" He said, "It will not be a public show this time." And I said, "I don't understand going into that closet, like
that." And He said, "Is not it written by our Lord, 'when thou prayest,
be not like the hypocrites who like to be heard before men, but enter into
the secret closet and pray to the Father Who seeth in secret, and He Who
seeth in secret shall reward thee openly?'" It's perfectly to the
Scripture; every time it is. And I said, "I understand." Then He took me to this place and set me down in this room where I
was at, and then He told me what to do for the third time. Now, Christian friends, that'll--when I leave this world, that'll still be in my bosom. When I... But you mark my words what's going to take place when that... SEVENTH.SEAL.THE
JEFF.IN 63-0324E 558-4
If you want something to happen... Now, you'll have to take my word
for this. If I'm planning on doing something, I know better than to tell
anybody about it. Not that that person will tell it, but Satan will hear it.
See? He can't get it in my heart there, as long as God's got it closed up with
the Holy Spirit, so it's between me and God. See? He don't know nothing about
it until you speak it, then he hears it. And I'll try... I'll people I'll do a certain, certain thing, and
watch the devil cut off every wheel he can to get there (See?), to beat me to
it. But if I can get the revelation from God and just don't say nothing about
it, then it's different. Remember, Satan will try to impersonate. He will try to impersonate
everything that the Church will do. He's tried to do it. We've noticed it through
the antichrist; but this is one thing he cannot impersonate. There'll be no
mimics to this (See?), 'cause he don't know it. There's no way for him to
know it. It's the third pull. He just knows nothing about it. See? He doesn't
understand it. DESPERATION JEFF.IN V-4 N-1
63-0901E 21 And the devil can impersonate
any of those things. But he cannot be the Holy Ghost. See? He can impersonate
these gifts, but he can't be the Holy Ghost. And the Holy Ghost is the Token that
the Blood's been applied, because It follows the Blood all the way from the
Book of Redemption. See it? That was the purpose of Him coming. That's what
He followed in every age. Every age He's followed that to see that It's
brought forth. And they could not be made perfect without us. And now, the
entire Holy Spirit visits the church making God in human flesh as He did
before Sodom, the burning there, which was a type. Then Abraham, He appeared
to him. And all the things that He hasn't done down through the ages, in the
church ages, He is now doing. Back to the Word, because the messages, and the
messages, and the messages has to wind up in the entire Word. And in the last
days, the Seven Seals being open, was to pick up every straggle that's been
left off in it and make the whole thing in one great big body of the Bride,
that them who lived back there was not perfect until this church be
perfected, the Bride group in the last days, to bring them in and all
together be taken up. See? DESPERATION JEFF.IN V-4 N-1
63-0901E 32 Now, God, the Creator, can
make a set of lungs. I--I truly believe that we're on the--the verge of one
of the most mightiest things that ever struck the earth since the days...?...
See? But now, we can only be known as... It'll be so humble. See? See, what
man calls mighty, God calls abomination. But what man calls foolish, God
calls mighty. See? But now watch it (See?); it'll be so humble that you'll
never miss--that you'll miss it if you've not got the Token there to examine
it. You see? See? 33 Who would ever thought that the mountains was skipping like little rams and the leaves were clapping their hands, when a prophet came forth from the wilderness, that was spoken by Isaiah 1,200 or 712 years before, with whiskers all over his face, and a piece of sheepskin, not even a pulpit to preach in, excommunicated from all the churches, and standing on the bank of the Jordan screaming, "Repent!" And called the people a bunch of vipers, snakes. But that's what God said, that when He come the mountains would skip like little rams. See? The humble saw it and was glad. CHRIST.REVEALED.IN.HIS.OWN.WORD
JEFF.IN 65-0822M 152 You can't see with your hands, yet it's part of the body. You can't see with the ears, yet it can hear. You can't see with the nose, yet it smells. You can't--you can't see with the lips, though it speaks. See? That was the Pentecostal age. But now, it's in the eye time, the seeing. See? Now, there isn't one moving faculty beyond the eye. Is that right? The next is the Intelligence, which is Christ Itself, Who controls the whole body: no moving motion beyond that. See? Everything else has moved. See? Move your feet, move you muscles in your legs, move everything, move your--your ears, to move your nose, your--the lips, and so forth, but after your eyes, there's nothing moves. That's why they claim that man gets bald-headed quick, is because (See?) there's no exercise to develop the muscles in--in the hair, the scalp. See? And it's not got a cushion so that they can get blood up in there. The blood won't pump through (See?), won't go up and furnish blood, 'course the--the hair root lives by blood. And now, we find out that that part (You see?)... There's nothing beyond the eye. CALLING.JESUS.ON.THE.SCENE_
DENHAM.SP.LA THURSDAY_ 64-0319 E-17 Now, these disciples had seen that. And in an amateur form they were living the joy, while Jesus was resting, of what they seen done that day. And I think the revival's doing something like that, that we're now just living in a quietening time, while He's resting, maybe, between the meetings, or the revival and His coming. And we are rejoicing over the things that we have seen done during the time of this revival: great, wonderful works. No matter what the world says, we still seen it done. It's a statement. It's a fact. It was done. RAPTURE.THE YUMA.AZ V-5 N-14
65-1204 152 The first thing is the
sounding--or the first thing is the trumpet and a--or a voice--a shout, and
then a voice, and then a trumpet. Shout, a messenger getting the people
ready... The second is a voice of the resurrection. The same voice that, a
loud voice in St. John 11:38 and 44 that called Lazarus from the grave.
Getting the Bride together, and then the resurrection of the dead (See?), to
be caught up with it. Now, watch the three things take place. 153 The next is what? was a
trumpet. A voice--a shout, a voice, a trumpet. Now, the third thing is a
trumpet, which always at the Feast of Trumpets is calling the people to the
feast; and that'll be the Bride's supper, the Lamb's supper with the Bride in
the sky. See, the first things comes forth is His Message calling the Bride
together. The next thing is a resurrection of the sleeping Bride, the--the
one that's died back in the other ages. They're caught together, and the
trumpet, the feast in the heavens--in the sky. Why, it's--that's the thing
that takes place, friends. We're right there ready now. The only thing, the church coming out
has got to lay before the sun to ripen. The great combine will come by after
while. The wheat will be burned, the stalks, but the grain will be gathered
into it's garner. See? 375-4 RESUME.OF.THE.AGES
- CHURCH.AGE.BOOK.CPT.10 Harvest time. Have you noticed that in the harvest time, though there
is a real acceleration in the ripening, there is consequently a slowing of
growth until there is no growth? Is that not exactly what we are seeing now?
The false vine is losing multitudes to the Communists and various other types
of belief. Her numbers are not increasing as she would like us to think. Her
hold on the people is not what it used to be, and in so many cases going to
church is just a show. And the true vine? What about her? Is she growing?
Where are those vast numbers that keep coming to revivals and answer altar
calls? Are not most of them merely emotional in their approach, or desirous
of something physical rather than desiring that which is truly Spiritual? Is
this age not like the day in which Noah entered the ark, and the door was
shut, but yet God tarried in judgment seven days? No one was literally turned
to God in those silent days. HUMBLE.THYSELF JEFF.IN V-21 N-1
63-0714E 10 Someone was telling me, I
believe it was my brother back there, was telling a--a little story today
about a man, a--a minister and his--some of, one of his congregations. And he
said he could walk a log. He said, "Pastor, sure, the Lord's with you." He said, "I can pack a log across my back, when I go
across." "Sure, the Lord's with you." And he went and done it. He said, "I can pack a log, and wheel a wheelbarrow across, at
the same time." "Sure, pastor, the Lord's with you. Your faith can do
anything." He said, "I can put you in the wheelbarrow and pack the
log." He said, "Now, wait a minute." See? It's different when you're included in it yourself. See? Now, that,
it's mighty good for us to say here, "Amen." It's mighty good for
us to say, "I believe that's true." But then put it in
action...?... that put it in action. HUMBLE.THYSELF JEFF.IN V-21 N-1
63-0714E 77 You know, people are--want
power, and really they don't know what power is. See? They--they don't really
know what--what--what goes with it. The--the way up is down always. If you
want power, see how humble you can get. Just get away from all your worldly
thinking, and humble yourself before God, and then you've got more power than
the man that runs all over the building and makes a big lot of noise (See?);
because you have been able to conquer yourself and commit yourself to Christ
(You see?) to humble yourself before Him. That's really power. You show me a church that's humble, real humble, not a--a arrogant
church, just a sweet, humble church, I'll show you a church that has the
favor and power of God in it. That's right. That's the thing it takes,
humility, humbling ourselves before God, and letting God just work through
us. Don't have to make a lot of noise. You... 79 Sometimes, as the farmer
said, he went out to the field with his wagon, and every time it hit a bump,
it just rattled and went on. But when he come back, he hit the same bump and
didn't make no noise at all, because it was loaded with good things. So I think that's just about right (See?), that we get filled up with
the good things of God, that the fruit of the Spirit might be known through
us. As he referred so much to I Corinthians 13 there, and how, that,
"Though I give my body to be burnt, and have all these things, and have
not charity; it's nothing, profits me nothing." You see? We want to do
- CHURCH.AGE.BOOK.CPT.9 But, there is a gold of God. I Peter 1:7. "That the trial of
your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth." The
gold of God is a Christ-like character produced in the fiery furnace of
affliction. That is the right kind of gold. But what kind of gold does the church have today? It has but the
worldly gold that will perish. It is rich. It is complacent. It has made
affluence the major criterion of spirituality. The evidence of God's blessing
and the correctness of doctrine, etc. is now based upon how many rich folks
are involved in it. "You had better come before it is too late," saith the
Lord, "and buy of Me gold tried in the fire and then you will be truly
rich." Are we getting it? Listen to me, "Naked (physically) we came
into the world, but naked (spiritually) we will NOT leave it." Oh no, we
are going to take something with us. What that something is, is ALL we can
take with us, nothing less and nothing more. So we had better be real careful
now to see that we take something that will make us right before God. So,
then, what will we take with us? We will take our CHARACTER, brother, that is
what we will take with us. Now what kind of character will you take with you?
Will it be like HIS Whose character was molded by suffering in the fiery
furnace of affliction, or will it be the softness of this character-less
Laodicean people? It is up to each one of us, for in that day every man will
bear his own burden. WHY.IT.HAD.TO.BE.SHEPHERDS
TUCSON.AZ V-6 N-15 64-1221 259 What did it pull away for? So that it would bring the grain in Presence of the Son to ripen the grain to a golden ripen for the Master. Why has it pulled away? So it causes heartaches, tears, that they don't lay before the s-u-n, but the S-o-n to be ripened to the true full Gospel, to manifest everything that Jesus Christ promised in the Bible, there is raising up a Body today among the people. And there will be no more organizations; it goes right out into rich Laodicea. What has the organization prospered by? Millions of dollars, and millions of souls. JUST.ONCE.MORE.LORD
SHREVEPORT.LA V-17 N-11 63-1201E 72 We got a lot of that today.
It's too bad that we have it, but we have it. Now we notice... But it don't
bring back the Spirit of God. Now, the thing of it is, the people are not
willing to pay the price to get back to that. I believe that God just remains
the same as He ever was. See? But the thing of it is, the people has got so
wound up into the world, and the world in them, till they just got just
enough religion to make them miserable, not enough to really turn loose to
God and give your whole heart into Him, but enough, "Yeah, I go to
church. Certainly, I enjoy good singing and clapping hands. Yeah, I love
that." See? 73 But when it comes right down
to putting what you say you believe into practice, and willing to confess the
wrong, they don't do it. It just isn't there. They don't have it. Well,
that's real conviction. That's what we need. We've long felt that, a long
time ago, and swapped it. Prayer, and--and confession, and conviction, we
swapped it for emotion, a shaking, or a jerking, or a jumping up-and-down.
That's the reason there's no holding tight, 'cause there's nothing there to
hold them. Until you come upon the basis of God's Word, of godly sorrow, and
ready to repent and make anything right, and do what's right, ready to live
right... I don't care what the people say or anything else, you live for
you--for Jesus Christ and what He said. Then you take a church like that
coming back, there's a possibility of it coming. But they're not willing to
do it. 74 Samson prayed right,
"Lord, let me die with these Philistines." Oh, my. See what it's
going to cost him? What if God answers his prayer? "Let me die."
Oh, I like that. Was it Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty or give me
death"? That's right. All right, that's it: liberty or death. It's back to God or--or
death. What are we going to do? What are we mimicking? What are we try to
play Christianity? If the Holy Ghost is still the Holy Ghost that fell at
Pentecost, It still does the same things It did then. The same power, the
same Spirit, It'll work the same way. We don't need a council of churches. We
need the Bible back in action. That's exactly. I.KNOW JEFF.IN EASTER.MESSAGE.BOOK 60-0417S 61 And they have to have a
crucifixion before you can have a resurrection. And before the church will
ever be able to see a resurrected power, before I can ever see a new ministry
take place myself, before you can ever enter into a new fellowship with God,
there's got to be a self-crucifixion so that there can come a resurrection.
We've got to die out to our own thoughts, die out to our own ways, die out to
everything that's around us, go through the trials and tribulations, that we
might see a new resurrection, a new Life. Before a sinner can ever become a
Christian, there has to come a death, then a resurrection. 62 Before Abraham could see
Elohim there had to be twenty-five years of testing. Before the Hebrew
children could see the Son of God they had to go into a fiery furnace. Before
Daniel could see an Angel he had to go into the lion's den. Before Job could
ever see the resurrection he had to go in and lose everything he had; but
then by a vision he saw. LUKE 8:15 15 But
that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having
heard the word, keep [it], and bring forth fruit with patience. “Thou Must Prophesy Again” Phase(To the totally lost, but for the Bride and the church)LOOK.AWAY.TO.JESUS
JEFF.IN V-2 N-17 63-1229E 7-4 And now, on persons like
ourselves, we're going to be cut out of all that altogether. That's exactly,
because they won't be able to do it. It's tightening; and then when that time
comes, and the press comes to a place to where you're pressed out, then watch
(what I am fixing to tell you in a few minutes) watch the third pull then.
It'll be absolutely to the total lost, but it--it will be for the Bride and
JEFF.IN. V-2 N-22 63-1110M 42-3 And notice, when the Third Pull of His
ministry come, the First was healing the sick, the Second was rebuking their
organizations and prophesying what they had done, what they were, and what
was coming: what is, what is--will come, what was--what is and will come.
That's what He done. Is that right? But His Third Pull was when He preached
to the lost that couldn't be saved no more. They were down there where them
big painted eyes was. Preached to the souls in hell that did not accept
mercy, but were eternally separated from the Presence of God; yet they had to
recognize it; what He was, because God made Him there. Wonder if His ministry
climbs out the same way in the last days. As it was, "As the Father sent
Me, so send I you. The works that I do shall you also." 42-4
Lost, could never be saved, they had rejected mercy. That was His
Third Pull. Now, is there any question? His First Pull, He healed the sick.
Is that right? His Second Ministry, He was prophesying. His Third Ministry
was preaching to the eternal lost. The three mountains and so forth--the
lost, eternal. 42-5
Noah's ministry, all ministries done the same. Noah preached. That is
exactly right. He went into the ark, and when he went into the ark, there was
seven days that nothing happened. His testimony preached to the doomed...
Sodom and Gomorrah, Jesus referred to both them as coming 'fore the coming of
the Son of man, so shall it be like the days of Noah, so shall it be in like
it was in the days of Sodom. He referred to Noah. Noah had Three Pulls, and his third was to the
lost after the door was shut. For God let him set right there where nobody
could enter or go out. They were inside for... On the seventh mountain, the
highest mountain, that's where He settled the ark, mountain. See? That right? WORLD.AGAIN.FALLING.APART_
SHP.LA WEDNESDAY_ 63-1127 13 And the last name goes on that Book, or, the last name that's
redeemed, that was put on that Book, that settles it. He comes to claim what
He redeemed. And it might be a strange time. Did you ever think: people will
go right on preaching, the church will go right on even thinking they're
getting people saved. It's too late then, it's all over (See?), and the
Message will go to the totally lost, just like it did in the days of Noah,
seven days in the ark. It did in the days of Sodom. Jesus Himself, His--His
third stage of His ministry, He went and preached to souls that were
eternally lost, that were in prison, that repented not, long-suffering in the
days of Noah. And we don't know what time these things might happen. The Non-Elect Skip the “Bitter in the Belly” PhaseI CORINTHIANS 13:1-3 1 Though I speak with the
tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become [as] sounding
brass, or a tinkling cymbal. 2 And though I have [the gift
of] prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I
have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am
nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed [the poor], and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. TOKEN.THE_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-19
SUNDAY_ 63-0901M 19-4
Paul said, "I give my body to be burned as a sacrifice, give all
my goods to feed the poor, I have faith to move mountains and so forth, and
speak in tongues like men and angels; and all these other things," and
said, "I'm nothing until the Token's been applied." Until this Token (That's what I'm speaking on tonight, the love. See?), now, until this has been applied, I am nothing. See? TOKEN.THE.title
JEFF.IN. V-2 N-19 63-0901M 28-1
Oh. Oh, it should make us be--should make our hearts... Oh, apply it,
church. Don't--don't fail. Will you not? Don't--don't--don't let the sun set.
Don't--don't--don't--don't--don't rest day or night. Don't take no chance; it
won't work, children. It won't work. You must have the Token. You say, "I believe, yes. I go... Yeah, I believe the
message." That's all right, but... That--that's good. But you must have
the Token. Do you hear, Branham Tabernacle? You must have the Token
displayed. Without it, all your believing's in vain. See? You'll live a good
life; you listen to what the Word says; you go to church; you try to live
right; that's fine, but that's not it. 28-3
"When I see the Blood," that's the Token, and the Token here
is not... 'cause what did... He had to see the actual chemistry, because the
life had gone, he--had gone from it. It was an animal. But here it's His Own
Life that was in the Blood, and the chemistry was only a signal, or sign of
sanctification. But the Life Itself is the Token. For without the circumcision, without the Token, you're not even in
the covenant. The whole thing works together. TOKEN.THE.title
JEFF.IN. V-2 N-19 63-0901M 32-1
Minister, member, good man, moral man, whatever you are, and you know
that God taken cigarettes from you... Women, you know He taken shorts,
and--and short hair, and everything from you. You know He did that, but then
if you turn around, and do despite, and count that Blood of the covenant as
was an unholy thing, that sanctified you and brought you this far... Like the spies, if they come right up here to the borderland, looked
over and said, "Well, I know it is there, but the obstacle's too great.
We look like grasshoppers." They perished in the wilderness: borderline
believers. 32-3
Don't just come this far, say, "I believe the message." You
obey the message. Come into Christ. You say, "Oh, I believe every word
you said, Brother Branham." That's good. but that's just--that is just being able to read. Take the Message; take it into your heart, that you must have the Token, the very Life that was in Christ, be in you. "When I see that, I will pass over you." PAUL.A.PRISONER.OF.CHRIST.title
JEFF.IN V-2 N-8 63-0717 8-1 Now, for the disappointments
will be coming at the judgment... Now, the sinner, the bootlegger, the
gambler, the adulternous (See?), he won't be disappointed to hear his
sentence read to depart into everlasting fire. He won't be disappointed, but
that fellow who's trying to hide himself behind some kind of a church
profession, that's the boy that's going to be disappointed at the day of
judgment (See?), that professes to be a Christian and lives some other way.
It'd be better for him that he never did even make any kind of profession and
started off, than to start and live something different, because he's the
greatest stumbling block we got, is for that professor that says that
he--he--he is a Christian and lives something different. 8-2 Always, don't judge your life
by how much power you have to perform miracles, and we don't judge ourself by
how much knowledge you have of the Word, but always judge yourself... Look
back and take an inventory of what kind of a fruit that the life you
presently live now is bearing. See? As I preached sometime ago at a Business
Men's meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, of the reflection of Jesus--reflecting
Christian Life. GALATIANS 1:6-9 6 I marvel that ye are so soon
removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
7 Which is not another; but
there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But though we, or an angel
from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have
preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9 As we said before, so say I
now again, If any [man] preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have
received, let him be accursed. 209-3 PERGAMEAN.CHURCH.AGE
- CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.5 [Brother Branham when he was beyond the
Curtain of Time] I said, "Do you mean I am responsible for all these?" He said, "Every one. You were born a leader." I asked him, "Will every one be responsible? What about Saint
Paul?" He answered me, "He will be responsible for his day." "Well," I said, "I've preached the same Gospel that Paul preached." And multitude cried, "We're resting on that." |