Soul Change
June 2015 Introduction
One of the greatest (if not
the greatest) revelations that has
been restored back in this day by the ministry of Malachi 4 is the
understanding of what the New Birth really is. The Bible writers had a certain understanding,
a paradigm, a revelation, from
which they wrote the things that they wrote.
Brother Branham’s ministry restored back that foundational
paradigm. From this correct paradigm
we can truly understand again what the Bible writers were really meaning when
they wrote what they wrote. A person’s understanding of the New Birth is the very foundation of their understanding of what Christianity really is. Brother Branham’s ministry restored back this clear understanding. This clear understanding came by the opening of the Seven Seals which revealed God’s great Plan of Redemption. Soul, Spirit, Body
We will first establish the foundational understanding of what the three parts that make up a human being are: I THESSALONIANS 5:23-24 23 And the very God of peace sanctify you
wholly; and [I pray God] your whole spirit
and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 Faithful [is] he that calleth you, who
also will do [it]. This Scripture shows clearly
that there are three parts that make up a human being: the soul, the spirit,
and the body. Brother Branham pictured it
this way: The body is what
contacts this earthly realm. It has
five senses: see,
taste, feel,
smell, and hear. Our human spirit is
what gives physical life to our bodies and is what contacts the spirit / mind
realm. It too has five senses: memory, imagination,
reason, conscience,
and affection. The soul is the
realm that only humans have (animals do not have a soul). The soul is the very core of a person’s
being – it is a person’s nature – it is what a person is: RAPTURE.THE.title YUMA.AZ
V-5 N-14 65-1204 144 Looky here, you are a triune being.
You are... Inside this little fellow here is a soul; the next is a spirit;
and next is a body. Now, you got five senses in this body to contact your
earthly home. They don't contact the rest of it. You got five senses of the
spirit here: love and conscience and so forth like that. But in here is where
you live. That's what you are. The soul only has one sense: Faith
(if one is born again), or unbelief (if
one is not born again). It is either
the nature of God or the nature of satan (i.e., the nature of the world): SOULS.IN.PRISON.NOW_ JEFF.IN
V-2 N-22 SUNDAY_ 63-1110M 7-2 Now, it wasn't that your body died. It
wasn't your spirit died. It was the nature of your spirit died. See? The
nature, which is the soul. The nature of your soul is--is God,
if you're born again. If it's not, it's of the world. All humans that were born of
sex came into this world with an evil fallen nature (soul): EPHESIANS 2:3-5 3 Among whom also we all had
our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the
desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even
as others. 4 But God, who is rich in
mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, 5 Even when we were dead in
sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) That is why Jesus had to
come virgin born. It was the antidote
to what had happened in the fall in the Garden of Eden. The Man Jesus started off with a perfect
nature – He was God in flesh. Before and After the Opening of the SealsThe opening of the Seven Seals corrected Brother Branham’s doctrine on various things, one of those things being the understanding of what the New Birth really is. Before the Seven Seals were opened (i.e., “pre-Seals”), Brother Branham taught that one was first born again, then later moved on to receive the Holy Spirit (note the date of the following quote): COUNTDOWN_ JEFF.IN V-11 N-3
SUNDAY_ 62-0909M 37 And the new birth, as people
talks that the baptism of the Holy Ghost is the new birth. Now, that's wrong.
The baptism of the Holy Ghost is
different from the new birth. The new birth is when you're born again.
But the Holy Ghost is when power comes into that birth for service. That's
exact. See? The Holy Ghost is--baptized into the Holy Ghost. Tied in with this incorrect
view was Brother Branham’s pre-Seal view of what the evidence of having the
Holy Ghost was. Before the Seals were
opened he taught that the evidence of having the Holy Ghost was the fruit of
the Spirit (note the date of the following quote): QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_ JEFF.IN
COD 61-0112 524-84 The--the evidence that you've got the Holy
Ghost is the life that you live. See? "By their fruits you shall know
them." And the fruit of the Spirit is not, nowhere in the Scripture
found, speaking in tongues. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, faith, long-suffering,
goodness, meekness, gentleness, patience. See, now, that is the fruit. That's
what you find on the tree to tell what kind of a tree it is. We can see how this would
be confusing. A person would always be
battling insecurity, judging himself (and others) on whether he had the Holy
Ghost or not. If one would ever fail
(and we all fail daily), then the doubt would come in again, “I must not have
the Holy Ghost yet”. This then would
cause a person to try to work himself up to the place where he could believe
that he had the Holy Ghost, and it would be a never ending cycle. (A variation of this is that some believe
that one moves from being born again to later receiving the “adoption of
sons”. This incorrect view produces
the same never ending cycle.) This incorrect view of first being born again and then later receiving
the Holy Ghost tends to produce one of two kinds of people: 1) Self-righteous pharisees who are blind to their own
sin who feel that they have achieved the proper level of “goodness” to have
received the Holy Ghost, or 2) People that are always moping around, feeling that
they can never achieve the proper level of “goodness” to be able to believe
that they have received the Holy Ghost. But after the Seven Seals were opened, God corrected
Brother Branham on these things. Remember that the first message in the Seven Seals
series that Brother Branham preached was God in Simplicity. God revealed the clarity of it all after
the Seals were opened. The New Birth,
the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, the Adoption, being born again, etc., were ALL
SMYRNAEAN.CHURCH.AGE - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.4 I mean for the sinner to come forward
and be born again, which is to be baptized into the body of Christ by the
Holy Ghost which is exactly what took place at Pentecost when the church
was launched. In other words, to be born
of the Spirit is to be truly
baptized with the Holy Ghost. It is one and the same. 118-1 SMYRNAEAN.CHURCH.AGE -
CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.4 Does He love us? Ah yes. But how shall
we know? We shall know because He SAID SO, and manifested that He did love us
for He brought us to Himself and gave
us of His Spirit, placing us as
sons [i.e.,
Adoption]. The New Birth occurs when God burns out of you that old soul (the old nature), and replaces it with the new Nature – Christ (which is the real you). You are a part of God’s Eve – His Bride. The term justified means that you never did sin. It does not mean that you sinned but were forgiven. Justified means that you never did do it in the first place. That exactly describes the state of a born again believer. Your new Soul never did sin (disbelieve). It was always a part of God (a part of the 7th Dimension as Brother Branham defined the dimensions). At the New Birth your new Soul (which is the real you) came into expression in these dimensions of time, space, and matter inside of your spirit and body. Your new Soul is now the new control tower, the new Husband, of your triune being. The New Birth can be
pictured this way: The old soul is killed and
the new Soul which is the new Nature which is the real you replaces it. It is a new Husband to your spirit
realm. You always were an Eagle, an
Eternal Thought of God, to begin with.
At the New Birth you recognize who you really were all along, and the
very core of your being is changed to be an expression of who you really were
all along in the Mind of God: 154-3 SMYRNAEAN.CHURCH.AGE -
CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.4 Before I close this subject, I know
there is a question in your minds. You will want to know if I believe in the
doctrine of pre-existence. I don't believe in that Mormon doctrine of the
pre-existence of souls any more than I believe in reincarnation or the
transmigration of souls. Be careful here and see this. It is not the person
that comes predestinated eternally from God, IT IS THE WORD, OR SEED. That is it. Way back there,
too far back for the human mind to grasp, the Eternal God with eternal thoughts, thought and decreed,
WAS BORN, AND NEITHER HAD DONE GOOD OR EVIL." See, it was the THOUGHT, and then that thought became expressed, and
God bought back Jacob, because Jacob
alone was SEED. Jacob, alone had the seed; that is why he had respect to
the birthright and covenant of God. If you are true seed, you will hear that
Word; the Spirit will baptize you into the body of Christ, filling you and
empowering you, and you will receive the Word for your day and age. See how
clear the true evidence becomes when the Word is revealed to you? Again,
note, Jesus was the Royal Seed. He lived in a human body. When the Spirit
called to Him (the Word-Manifested Thought), He went to Jordan and was there
baptized in water. Upon obeying the Word, the Holy Spirit came upon Him and
the voice said, "This is My beloved Son, hear ye Him." The voice
did not say, "This has become My Son," Jesus WAS the Son. The Holy
Ghost positioned Him as that Son
before them all. Then having been filled thus (and the same pattern holds at
Pentecost and ever after), He went in demonstrated power, receiving the full
revelation of God and from God, for that day. The initial act of the New
Birth does not change your spirit and body realms - it just changes
(replaces) your soul. At the time of
your New Birth is when the greatest battle ever fought begins. The new Soul must work its way out into
expression through the flesh and spirit realms. That is the process of overcoming, of dying
to self, of mortifying the deeds of the flesh, of “possessing the land”. QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_ JEFF.IN
COD SUNDAY_ 64-0830E 1149-30 How can I take a cocklebur and make a grain
of wheat out of it? It's impossible for me to do it. The only way it can be is because inside that cocklebur has been
transmitted from a cocklebur wheat--a cocklebur to a germ called "wheat
life." Then you bury that cocklebur, and it'll produce a grain of
wheat (That's right. See?), because
there has been a life of wheat put in the cocklebur. And the life of the cocklebur has been taken out; but the
nature of the cocklebur is still sticky (See?), and it will be until this new
life has fully been developed out of the ground and raised up again. When it
comes forth, then it's no more cocklebur, but wheat--but wheat. But while
it's here on earth and the--in the--out of the earth... And a cocklebur, it's
still sticky, but it's got the nature
on the inside of it of wheat. And as long as you're in this life,
you're going to be sticky and have a carnal nature that's going to bother you
as long as you live; but the inside of
you, you're borned again. And when you're raised up, you're in the
likeness of Christ and all the sin is gone from you. See? That's--that's the
thing. The thing that we have to
overcome is ourselves (i.e., our
flesh and spirit realms): HOW.CAN.I.OVERCOME_ JEFF.IN
63-0825M 71 The thing you have to overcome is yourself, your ideas, your things,
and surrender yourself to Him. He overcome for you. He knows the way; we
61-1119 99 I've often said, "The greatest enemy I
got is William Branham." He's the one that gets in God's way. He's the
one that gets lazy. He's the one that gets to a place sometimes where he
thinks he can do something about it, and when he does, that shoves God right
out of the picture. But when I can get rid of that guy, when I can get to a
place that he's out of the way, then God can come over and do things that
William Branham knows nothing about. That's when God can use you. That's
when He can use any of you. He can use anybody when we get out of the way.
But as long as we got ourselves in the way, then we cannot. All right. Along with the post-Seals
correction that Brother Branham received about his understanding of the New
Birth came the consequent correction of Brother Branham’s view of what the evidence of receiving the Holy Ghost
64-0726E 66 He said, "What would you think would
be a evidence?" I said, "The
most perfect evidence I can think of is love." And so we got to talking
on that. And then I thought, "That sounded pretty good." So I just
held that: If a man's got love. But
one day the Lord in a vision straightened me out, and He said that the
evidence of the Spirit was those who
could receive the Word, neither love nor speaking in tongues, but it's
receiving the Word. 68 And then Dr. Vayle was saying to me that
that is Scriptural. He said, "Because in John 14 Jesus said, 'When He,
the Holy Ghost is come upon you, He will reveal these things to you that I've
taught you, and will show you things to come.'" So there is the genuine evidence of the Holy Ghost. He's never
told me anything wrong yet. That it is;
the evidence of the Holy Ghost is he who can believe the Word, who can
COD SUNDAY_ 64-0823E 1002-44 Now, that's no evidence of the Holy Ghost.
See? You can't rely upon that. You
can't rely upon the fruit of the Spirit, because the first fruit of the
Spirit is love. And the Christian Science exercise more love than anybody I
know of, and they even deny Jesus Christ being Divine. See? There's only one
evidence of the Holy Spirit that I know of, and that is a genuine faith in the promised Word of the hour. Let us note now the
contrast between Brother Branham's pre-Seal vs. his post-Seal understanding
of what the New Birth is:
PHILIPPIANS 2:12-13 12 … work out your own salvation with fear and
trembling. 13 For
it is God which worketh in you
both to will and to do of [his] good pleasure. With the pre-Seals
doctrine, anyone that is halfway honest with themselves would never feel that they had the Holy
Ghost. Just one time of expressing
anger, lack of temperance, etc., and that would throw everything into doubt:
"I guess the virtues were not sealed into me after all, therefore I
still need to get the Holy Ghost".
The pre-Seal doctrine would therefore tend to make people lean toward
deceiving themselves (so as not to ruin their security), lean toward not
facing the sin in their flesh fully, lean toward judging themselves
constantly, lean toward setting levels of "allowable failure"
before considering themselves to not have the virtues sealed into them yet,
etc., all things that are the opposite
of the process of the Rapture (i.e., of the putting off of the corruption
(the flesh)). That is why the Lord
corrected Brother Branham about what the evidence of having the Holy Ghost
is. The change in evidence ties in
with the change in doctrine. Thank God for the opening
of the Seven Seals! Principles About Descriptions
Before going any further
let us first talk about the general principles about what it means to try to describe something. We try to come up with a description or a
model of something in order to help our finite minds get at least some grasp
or understanding of that something. One must always remember
that the description is not the reality, it is only the feeble human attempt
to try to describe a reality in terms that our finite human minds can
grasp. Never is the description to be
taken as the full and complete reality of what is actually going on. The description is only a “best attempt” to
put a reality into finite human terms so that our human minds can grasp at
least some concept of it. For example, the Bible and
thus Brother Branham use the terminology that a believer is a “seed of God”,
and that “God’s Seed” remains in him: I JOHN 3:9 9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit
sin; for his seed remaineth
in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. This does not mean that one
can cut open a human heart of a believer and find a physical seed laying
there! This is a terminology used to
help describe a concept – that a believer was always an eternal Thought in
the Mind of God: 154-3 SMYRNAEAN.CHURCH.AGE - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.4 It is not the person that comes
predestinated eternally from God, IT IS THE WORD, OR SEED. That is it. Way back there, too far back for the human
mind to grasp, the Eternal God with
eternal thoughts, thought and decreed, "JACOB HAVE I LOVED, BUT ESAU
OR EVIL." See, it was the
THOUGHT, and then that thought became expressed, and God bought back
Jacob, because Jacob alone was SEED. … Again, note, Jesus was the Royal Seed. He lived in a human body.
When the Spirit called to Him (the
Word-Manifested Thought), He went to Jordan and was there baptized in
water. Keep these principles in
mind as we now go into a further description
of what the New Birth is. Terminology
We will here define some
terminology that will be used in our further discussion. Holy
Spirit vs. Human Spirit
Make sure to not confuse
the use of the term “spirit” (meaning the natural
human spirit) with the term Holy Spirit.
For example, when we say that a human is made up of three parts: body,
spirit, and soul, the term “spirit” in this context is talking about the
natural human spirit, not the
Spirit of God. Soul
= The Nature of the Human Spirit
Brother Branham clearly
used the term “nature” as another term for “soul”. Therefore one can use this equation: SOUL = THE NATURE OF THE (human)
63-1110M 7-2 Now, the soul of man is not the body of
man; it's the soul (See?); and the
soul is something that's the--the nature of the spirit, and then
when the nature of a man... When He said, "We are dead," the
Scripture plainly tells us that we are dead, and our lives are hid in God
through Christ, sealed there by the Holy Spirit. Now, it wasn't that your body died. It
wasn't your spirit died. It was the nature of your spirit died. See? The nature, which is the soul.
The nature of your soul is--is God, if you're
born again. If it's not, it's of the world. “The
nature, which is the soul” => NATURE = SOUL Now depending on whether
one is born again or not, that soul (nature) is either an eternal Thought of
God expressed or a part of the temporal world (satan’s nature) expressed: “The nature of
your soul is--is God, if you're
born again. If it's not, it's of
the world.” It is all so simple (“God in simplicity”). TOKEN.THE_ DALLAS.TX
SUNDAY_ 64-0308 29 Now, the animal life could not come back in
the human, because they wouldn't match; the animal life has no soul in it. The
human life has a soul. The animal doesn't know he's naked. He doesn't know
right from wrong. He--he's just... He has a--a spirit, but not a soul. Now
remember, now the soul is the
nature of the spirit, of course. TOKEN.THE_ JEFF.IN
V-2 N-19 SUNDAY_ 63-0901M 10-1 Now, there's a life, a blood, a life, and a
soul in the life. The soul is the nature of the
life. Therefore it had no certain nature.
It was an animal. Therefore, the blood stood for a token that the life
had been given. But in this glorious place, under this
covenant, there is a difference between the Blood and the Life. The Token for
the believer today is the Holy Ghost, not a blood, a chemistry; but it is the
Holy Spirit of God. That is the Token that God requires of the church today.
God must see this Token. He must see it in every one of us. SOULS.IN.PRISON.NOW_ JEFF.IN
V-2 N-22 SUNDAY_ 63-1110M 9-2 That's why we're baptized into His Name
that we might come forth in His Name, in His death, in His resurrection, that
we rise again testifying to the world that we have new Life, that the old man is dead. We buried that first nature. See, that first nature's gone, and now we are the nature of Him. He lives in us, and we don't do our own will; we
do His will. We don't think our own thoughts. The mind--the mind is what
thinks. The mind that was in Christ Jesus is in every believer. See? There--there is the soul, and that's
what we're speaking of. Now, that's
the part that I'm thinking of now, that that's within us, the soul. QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_ JEFF.IN
COD SUNDAY_ 61-1015M The
soul is the nature of that spirit, that when the Holy Spirit comes upon
you, It does not do nothing... You... It changes or converts your spirit to a different soul. And that soul is a different
nature that's on that spirit. So the soul is the nature of your
spirit. First you were mean, and evil, and
hatred, and malice, and strife; now you're loving, sweet, kind, and--and...
See the difference? It's your nature. We could... I'll call it that. It's your soul that's been changed. The
old soul died, and the new soul which is the new nature was borned
into you. See? 676-160 Your brain is not your intelligence; it's
your spirit that's in you is your intelligence. See? Your brain is a bunch of
matter and cells and so forth; it has no intelligence in itself. If it did,
then as long as it laid there, whether you was dead or alive, it would still
operate. See? But it's not--it's not your brain; it is your spirit inside of
you. And your soul is the nature
of that spirit. That's the soul of the spirit that controls--the spirit
that controls the body. See? There you are. The
Seed of God Within You = The Eternal Thought of God
As described earlier, the
term “the Seed of God in your heart” is referring to that eternal Thought
that you always were in the Mind of God: 154-3 SMYRNAEAN.CHURCH.AGE -
CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.4 It is not the person that comes
predestinated eternally from God, IT IS THE WORD, OR SEED. That is it. Way back there, too far back for the human
mind to grasp, the Eternal God with
eternal thoughts, thought and decreed, "JACOB HAVE I LOVED, BUT ESAU
OR EVIL." See, it was the
THOUGHT, and then that thought became expressed, and God
bought back Jacob, because Jacob alone
was SEED. … Again, note, Jesus was the Royal Seed. He lived in a human body.
When the Spirit called to Him (the
Word-Manifested Thought), He went to Jordan and was there baptized in
water. What is a seed? It is a life unexpressed. What is an acorn seed? It contains an oak tree potentially. But it can sit on a table for hundreds of
years and remain unexpressed until
it is put into the right conditions.
Put that acorn into moist soil under sunlight and it will begin to
express. That is exactly what a child
of God is. We always were a son or a
daughter of God in God’s Mind. The
“Seed of God” was “within us” (to use this metaphor terminology) since our
natural birth (i.e., God always thought of us as a son or a daughter of
God). But when the right conditions
hit us (hearing the Word for our day) that Seed began to express. We
became a “Word-Manifested Thought” (just like a starting-to-grow oak tree is
a “water-manifested acorn” – the water started the seed to manifesting (the
Water of the Word (Ephesians 5:26))): CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY_ JEFF.IN
63-0728 3-3 That old man, nearly a hundred years
old, not a church man at all, but just the first time that Light flashed across his path, he received
It. See that predestinated Seed
laying there? Yes, sir. See, as soon
as the Light strikes it, it comes to Life right quick. CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY_ JEFF.IN
63-0728 48-2 She said, "I have no husband." Said, "Yes, you've got six. You've
had five, and the one that you're living with now is not your husband." She said, "Sir..." What? That Light struck that Seed. When it struck them priest, they said,
"This man is a fortuneteller." See?
No Life there, hybrid. They come up as far as organizations, but died
from there on. 48-4 But this woman was not a hybrid; she said,
"Sir, I perceive..." I can see her big pretty eyes shine up like
that, tears running down her cheeks, said, "Sir, I perceive that You're
a prophet. I'm looking for a Messiah, and when that Messiah comes, He'll do
this very same thing. He'll tell us these things." He said, "I am He." "Oh, Lord..." She left her
pot, "Here He is. Come see a Man Who's told me the things..." What
was it? That Light struck that Seed.
That Life was there. It come forth. Then through the process of
justification, sanctification, and finally the baptism of the Holy Ghost (the
“baptism of Fire”) that old soul was killed and that beginning-to-express
Seed (eternal Thought of God) became our new Soul. Some may have been confused
about this term, thinking of God’s Seed within as some kind of a physical
entity within the human heart. Please
see the Principles About Descriptions
section above regarding this. Two other quotes are below
which use similar but different terminology for the “Seed of God”: CHRIST.REVEALED.IN.HIS.OWN.WORD_ JEFF.IN
SUNDAY_ 65-0822M 30 That Laodicean church age, naked, blind,
miserable, don't even know it... See, it's not--it's not anointed, anointed
with the real Spirit. See that Holy Spirit can fall upon a man in his spirit,
but his soul is his germ.
That germ is the Word. LEADERSHIP_ COVINA.CA
V-7 N-7 TUESDAY_ 65-1207 162
Your physical contacts the physical. Your spiritual
contacts the spiritual. But inside of
that you've got a soul, and that soul is
that gene that come from God. The
Spirit of God In You = The REAL You =
The New Soul
Some have thought that having “the Spirit of God in you” means having
some kind of a fourth Entity coinhabitting inside of you. But the revelation that has been restored
back in this day has revealed the clear understanding embodied in the
following statements: The phrase “the Spirit of
God in you” is a terminology meaning that God has given to you the New
Birth. It means that the Holy Ghost
burned out of you that old nature (the old soul) and quickened in you the
Seed (Thought) of God that you always were from the very beginning
(you always were a son or a daughter of God in God’s Mind). That quickened Seed has become your new Soul
(i.e., your new Nature) which is the real you. It means that you have recognized your day
and its message, that when the Thunders (Voice of God) sounded you heard your
name called, and that you have come to know that you always were an Eagle to
begin with. The
True Baptism With the Holy Ghost
The phrase “to be baptized
with the Holy Ghost” means to be anointed
with the Holy Ghost. A person can have
the baptism of the Holy Ghost every hour in his life and still be lost and go
V-7 N-7 TUESDAY_ 65-1207 162 You can have the baptism of the Holy Ghost
every hour in your life and still be lost and go to hell. The Bible
says so. See? It's exactly right. 163 Look here, you are a outside person. You
have five senses that contacts that outside body. God gave you five senses;
not to contact Him, your earthly home: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. Then you have a spirit on the inside
of that, and it has five outlets: conscience, and love, and so forth. Five
outlets that you contact the spirit world with that, but with your spirit. Your physical contacts the physical.
Your spiritual contacts the spiritual.
But inside of that you've got a soul, and that soul is that gene that come from God. The Anointing even left Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane: RISING.OF.THE.SUN_
65-0418M 34-5 When God looked down upon the body... (The Spirit left Him in the Garden of Gethsemane; He had to die a man.) Jesus’s Soul did not leave him – it was the outward Anointing that left Him. The New Birth is when the Baptism (anointing) of the Holy Ghost quickens (waters, brings to life) a predestinated Seed of God (“Gene”) that was “in” the person to begin with (remember the Principles About Descriptions discussion). In non-Seed there is nothing to quicken. That is why Brother Branham used the term the true Baptism of the Holy Ghost to describe the event when the Anointing (baptism) of the Holy Ghost quickens a predestinated Seed in a person, whereby causing the New Birth (a soul change) to take place in that person: 144-3 SMYRNAEAN.CHURCH.AGE
- CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.4 In other words, to be born of the Spirit is to be truly baptized with the Holy
Ghost. It is one and the same. The True Definition of SinBrother Branham gave the clear definition of what sin really is – sin is unbelief in God’s Word: QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS_
JEFF.IN COD 64-0823E 1027-150
Now, if you see the Holy Spirit... For instance, what if the Holy
Spirit would come down here and discern like It does, and what if that would
be the Holy Ghost, and you didn't believe It was, and you went out and made
fun of It and talked about It; I don't care what you ever do, you're
finished. And you cannot do it. That proves right there that you're not of
God, because the Seed of God
remains in the man and he cannot
sin. And what is sin?
Unbelief. When he sees the Word made manifest, he'll believe It. And he
can only... See, there's only one sin, only one sin. How many knows that? That's unbelief. That's right. Committing adultery's not a sin. Smoking cigarettes, telling lies, swearing, that's not sin. That's attributes of unbelief. You do it, because you're not a believer. That's right. So, see, there's only one sin, and that's unbelief. "He that believeth not is condemned already." No matter what he does or nothing, he's condemned to start with. We know that the quickened (made alive) Seed of God in the believer is the new Soul which comes into expression when a person is born again. And when a person is born again, he cannot sin (disbelieve). Why? Because God’s Seed (the new Soul, the new Nature) remains in Him (once a believer is born again, he is “sealed unto the day of redemption” (Ephesians 4:30)). So the definition of sin is unbelief which is that old soul, that old nature of unbelief. That is why Jesus had no sin – he never had an old soul: He was virgin born. But in his outward flesh and spirit realms He was “in all points tempted like as [we are, yet] without sin“ (Hebrews 4:15). When a person is born again, he cannot sin (disbelieve). However, “sin” still remains in his members (i.e., his flesh and spirit realms): ROMANS 7:15-20 15 For that which I do I allow
not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. 16 If then I do that which I
would not, I consent unto the law that [it is] good. 17 Now then it is no more I that do it,
but sin that
dwelleth in me. 18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good
thing: for to will is present with me; but [how] to perform that which is
good I find not. 19 For the good that I would I
do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. 20 Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. “it is no more I that do it” => Paul was talking about his real self, his new Soul “but sin that dwelleth in me” => the “programming” of the old soul in our flesh and spirit realms, as well as the general fallen temptable condition of this “old coat” (we bypassed our theophanies and we have yet to receive our glorified bodies) The old programming of that old soul (that old “husband”) got recorded into our spirit realm just like an audio recording on a tape. That recording must be overwritten with the directions from our new “Husband”, our new Soul, Christ, the Word: EPHESIANS 4:22-24 22 That ye put off concerning
the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the
deceitful lusts; 23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Even after a person is born again, satan from the outside is continually trying to anoint our spirit realm with unbelief. Satan will of course try to access each person’s unique personal weaknesses which are attributes of that person’s temperament, upbringing, etc. That is why overcoming involves recognizing the temptable traits of your own spirit and flesh realms. We must recognize the devil at every one of his tricks: HOW.CAN.I.OVERCOME_
JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 63-0825M 104 "Overcome"
means "to recognize the devil at every one of his tricks." But what are the majority of the devils tricks? Trying to access what can be tempted in each unique individual. What is a temptation for one may not be a temptation at all for another. Therefore we should never judge one another, but love and support one another. And what do we need to overcome? Ourselves: HOW.CAN.I.OVERCOME_ JEFF.IN
63-0825M 71 The thing you have to overcome is yourself, your ideas, your things, and surrender yourself to Him. He overcome for you. He knows the way; we don't. Below is another quote showing where Brother Branham is describing what a person lives by as being either faith or unbelief, and that condition is determined by whether he is born again or not. This puts sin (unbelief) or faith in the soul realm: GO.WAKE.JESUS_
TUCSON.AZ SUNDAY_ 63-1103 E-12 But
when we're condemned with unbelief, sin of any type... And sin is unbelief... There's only two types... two things that every person in the world is living by: that is, either faith or unbelief. There is no halfway between. There's no drunk sober man tonight. There's no black white birds tonight, and there is no sinner saints. It's either borned again, or not born again. We either believe, or we don't believe. The following quote shows that animals do not have sin. Why? Because they have no souls: TOKEN.THE_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-19
SUNDAY_ 63-0901M 9-6 The animal doesn't know that
he's naked, and he--he just--he
doesn't realize sin. It knows none. So therefore, it is a living being,
but not a living soul. Therefore,
that animal life could not come back upon a human life, because it didn't
have a soul in that life. This shows that in its purest definition, sin (unbelief) is that old soul. Romans 7 – Old Husband / New HusbandWe will now look at Romans chapter 7 in which the Apostle Paul is explaining the New Birth in terms of the law of marriage and divorce: ROMANS 7:1-6 1 Know ye not, brethren, (for I
speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man
as long as he liveth? 2 For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to [her]
husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from
the law of [her] husband. 3 So then if, while [her]
husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an
adulteress: but if her husband be
dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be
married to another man. 4 Wherefore, my brethren, ye
also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, [even]
to him who is raised from the dead,
that we
should bring forth fruit unto God. 5 For when we were in the
flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to
bring forth fruit unto death. 6 But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not [in] the oldness of the letter. We know that the soul is
the “control tower”, the head, of our triune being: WORKS.IS.FAITH.EXPRESSED_ SHREVEPORT.LA 65-1126 207 But when it's directed from the inside, it
throws all the rest of it together. That's the guidepost. That's the control tower, the inside of the
inside. The soul controls the spirit,
the spirit controls the body. The Apostle Paul in Romans
7 is showing how the eternal Word of God in the laws of marriage and divorce
is typing out the New Birth, the soul change. The old husband (soul) had to die in order for our spirit realm (wife) to be “married to another, [even] to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God.” Divorce is not allowed. The previous husband must be dead. Then our spirit realm (wife) can be married to another (Christ) in order to bear children (“fruit unto God”). Note that there is no divorce allowed here. No “cleaning up” of the old man. No putting a “new condition” on the same soul. That old husband (soul) must die: TOKEN.THE_ JEFF.IN 63-0901M 10-8
When God was made flesh and His Own creative Blood that it--only way
that a Life of God could ever come back, because all of us was born by sex. And therefore, the life that's in there is of the world, and that
life will not stand. It's a thing that is already judged and condemned. You can't patch it up. There's no way to
patch it. There's no way to--to smooth it up. There's no way to make it
better. It's got to die. That's the only requirement there is. It's got to die, and the substitute, a Life of Jesus Christ has to come into you, which is the Holy
Ghost, God's Token, that you have accepted the Blood of His Son, Jesus
Christ. “a Life of Jesus Christ has to come into you” => this is the quickened predestinated Seed of God that becomes your new Soul, your new Husband. That new Soul is part of the Eve of God (just like Eve was a part of Adam). The born again person is therefore a part of God walking in human flesh – the spirit and body realms are not God, but the Soul is. In the Rapture, we will receive the true counterparts to our fallen spirit and body realms: Entity True Counterpart SOUL => Same Soul which we have now after being born again (7th Dimension) SPIRIT => Theophany which we will receive in the Rapture (6th Dimension) BODY => Glorified body which we will receive at the time of the Rapture (3rd Dimension) Old Man / New ManEPHESIANS 4:22-24 22 That ye put off concerning
the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the
deceitful lusts; 23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. [we
are a “new creation” in Christ when we are born again (2 Corinthians 5:17)] The Apostle Paul here
refers to an “old man” and a “new man”.
That is the old soul and the new soul (referred to as a “man” because
the soul is the “husband” to our spirit realm). That old soul must die so that we can be
married to the “new Man”, Christ. The Future Home Earth Type
When one sees properly the
type of the earth as it was being typed out by Brother Branham in the Future
Home message, the true understanding of the New Birth (the soul change)
becomes brightly illuminated. When Brother Branham talked
about the definition of the phrase “to pass away” as not meaning “to be annihilated”, he was referring to the earth and
the heavens “passing away”, not to the nature
on those earth and heavens (satan).
Satan is the prince of the power of the air (heavens). Satan is currently the nature (soul) of the
heavens (spirit) in this present earth system: EPHESIANS 2:2 2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to
the course of this world, according to
the prince of the power of the air,
the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: FUTURE.HOME_ JEFF.IN
V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802 19-1 He's the prince of the power of the air. He keeps off, wards off the
blessings from God. In there comes thunderbolts of lightning and strikes the
earth, and everything from the heavens, sheets of ice and rain, and typhoons,
storms, and everything comes from above which is Satan, the prince of the
power of the air. FUTURE.HOME_ JEFF.IN
V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802 13-6 Satan is still here. That's the reason all
these things happen. He's still here, and all of his evil forces are still
here. Notice, that's why the earth now is so
filthy. That's why the scum and ridiculous things that goes on: bloodshed,
war, politics, sin, adultery, all kinds of filthiness goes on, is because
that Satan is the ruler of this earth
and this atmosphere. FUTURE.HOME_ JEFF.IN
V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802 13-1 It is only the atmospheres around it and
the sin that's upon the earth that will
be destroyed. See? Now, we realize that the heavens means the atmospheres above. See? What does it do? It... Then these thistles, and
sickness, and death, and politics, and sinful man, and sinful woman, and evil
spirits will all be gone away and annihilated. See? It has to be done that
way, because we are going to live right here. We'll prove that by the Bible.
Right here is where we live. So the way Brother Branham
was typing out the earth in the Future Home message is as follows: Entity Future Home Earth Type SOUL => Satan or God, what nature is reigning over the heavens and the earth SPIRIT => The heavens (air, atmosphere) BODY => The physical earth In order for Jesus Christ
to reign in the fully regenerated earth, the nature of satan must be
completely annihilated and replaced with Jesus Christ: FUTURE.HOME_ JEFF.IN
V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802 13-1 Then these thistles, and sickness, and
death, and politics, and sinful man, and sinful woman, and evil spirits will all be gone away and annihilated. See? It has to be done that
way, because we are going to live right here. FUTURE.HOME_ JEFF.IN
V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802 41-1 Even the desert, He said, shall blossom, be
a rose. Satan, sin and sinners has gone for ever. It's all done; blended into
eternity and all that was perverted... That great archangel that set there
one day, Satan, that did all this evil
will be destroyed. Remember, the Bible said if that soul won't do as He did--said do, He will even destroy that soul. But
you see, He can't destroy Himself and remain God. So if that soul is of the world, it has to be
destroyed. But if it's eternal with God, it never did begin because it's part
of God; it can never be destroyed. Amen. What a beautiful... How--how
thankful that... The church ought to see that. Notice in the above quote
how Brother Branham even brought up about the destruction of the soul tying
it in with the destruction of satan.
The truth about the soul change is in plain view here. Notice that Brother Branham did not say that God would destroy the
satanic condition of the soul, but
that God would “destroy that soul”. That is exactly what happens with a believer
when he is born again: the “baptism of Fire” kills the old soul and sets
Christ on the throne of his heart: FUTURE.HOME_ JEFF.IN
V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802 16-5 Then the next comes the baptism of the Fire
and Holy Ghost that God might dwell in us, and the Fire of God cleanses our
hearts from sin and puts
the Holy Ghost inside. Then we bring forth the same Life that this did,
because that's in us. FUTURE.HOME_ JEFF.IN
V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802 18-5 Notice, the baptism of fire is to cleanse
it from sin, from sickness, from disease germs, from sinners, from the devil
and all of his group. He's to be cast out into the lake of fire. Holy fire
from God comes down from God out of heaven and burns it up (notice) to make it ready for God to dwell in. For
God, in the new world that is to come, is to dwell in the earth 'cause... You
say, "God? He dwells in the human heart." But He and the Bride
becomes One, and they go to their home in the new world. And the same plan of
redemption is used to redeem both world and the persons that live in it. 18-6 See, the heart has to be cleansed like
that. Before God can come down in the Person of the Holy Ghost, which is
Christ coming down and dwell in the human heart, it first must be repented.
It must be baptized in water in His Name to show Who it belongs to. Then it
must be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus. And
then the holy fire and Holy Ghost from God comes down and burns out all the
desire of sin, all the nature of
the world. And therefore, he that sins willfully after receiving the
knowledge of the Truth... The same Fire (God) that
will kill all the souls of the unbelievers in the lake of Fire is the same
Fire that kills the believer’s old soul at the time of his New Birth. That is why the “second death” (the lake of
Fire) has no power over a born again believer. He has already received his “baptism of
Fire” experience at the time of his New Birth and it has done the same thing
in him that it will do for the unbelievers in the lake of Fire. But the Bride member had a Seed of God
within him which was there to replace his old soul when it was burned
away. In non-Seed there is nothing
there that could replace his old soul. REVELATION 2:11 11 … He that
overcometh shall not be hurt of the second
death. REVELATION 20:6 6 Blessed and holy [is] he that hath part in
the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and
of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. REVELATION 20:14 14 And death and hell were cast into the lake
of fire. This is the second death. HEBREWS 12:29 29 For our God [is] a consuming fire. If you have not read the
message Future Home with the correct understanding of how Brother Branham
was typing out the soul, spirit, and body, please go back and do so. You will be greatly blessed. It is all so clear. So what was Brother Branham
meaning when he emphasized that “to pass away” does not mean “to annihilate”?
He was referring to the earth (body) and the heavens (spirit): FUTURE.HOME_ JEFF.IN
V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802 27-4 See, "Heavens and earth will pass away." Now, this word means
"passing from one form to another." It does not mean annihilation,
as the English word would mean, pass away: it's annihilated. But the Hebrew
word--or the Greek word here does not mean pass away; it means "from
passing from one thing to another." Look, but to pass from one condition
it says to another... 27-6 Now notice, Paul used it (if you want to
read it now--put it down you can read it later), in Titus 3:5. Paul is using
this same word: means regeneration of men, that man is passed from a sinner
to a saint, not completely annihilated. When a man's changed, he isn't
annihilated, but he's a changed
person. He's been changed from what he was to what he is, not
annihilated. At the time of a person’s
New Birth, that person’s body and spirit realms are not annihilated, but the nature on his spirit (his soul) is
annihilated. As pictured previously, the
New Birth can be shown as below: Note that the initial act
of the New Birth does not change one’s spirit and body realms - it just
changes one’s soul. So our spirit and
body realms will certainly complete their “passing from one form to another”
in the Rapture, but the nature of
our spirit (the soul) is annihilated at the time of the New Birth by the
Baptism of Fire: FUTURE.HOME_ JEFF.IN
V-3 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0802 12-1 By these passages one might think, or be
led rather, to believe that the whole planet of this earth will be destroyed.
("I make a new heaven and a new earth." See?), that the heavens
will be gone and the earth will be gone, completely annihilated. But a close
study, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can see the truth of this,
and that's what we're going into. 13-1 It
is only the atmospheres around it and the sin that's upon the earth that will
be destroyed. See? Now, we realize that the heavens means the atmospheres
above. See? What does it do? It...
Then these thistles, and sickness, and death, and politics, and sinful man,
and sinful woman, and evil spirits will all be gone away and annihilated. See? It
has to be done that way, because we are going to live right here. We'll prove
that by the Bible. Right here is where we live. The Physical Earth Type
We know that God shows
Himself in all of His creation: ROMANS 1:20 20 For the invisible things of him from the
creation of the world are clearly seen, being
understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and
Godhead; One of the discoveries that
science has made in this day is the structure of the interior earth. The structure of the earth shows again
God’s great plan. Science says that
there are three sections to the interior earth: the core, the mantle, and
the crust. This corresponds to the soul (core),
the spirit (mantle), and the body (crust): The Heart
Let us look at the
following Scripture where Jesus describes the different parts of the human
being that should all serve Him: MARK 12:30 30 And thou shalt love
the Lord thy God with all thy heart,
and with all thy soul, and
with all thy mind, and with
all thy strength: this [is]
the first commandment. Therefore one can relate the
terms Jesus used in the following way: soul => soul mind => (human) spirit strength => body heart =>
??? So what is the heart?
The heart corresponds to what science calls the outer core. The heart is that part of the human spirit
“right next to” the soul (it is even called the “outer core” by
science). Many times the Scriptures
that talk about the heart can be
applied to the soul because of how
close they are – but technically speaking the heart and the soul are
different. There is a great depth to
this truth of what the heart is in comparison to the soul. That would take another article in
itself. But to show some of the depth
of it, let us look at this quote where Brother Branham is confessing his
63-0623M 160 And I wanted to bring this to you so that
you would see, and show you that the mistakes that a man can make, yet being
sincere. Moses lost the feeling of his people
because they wouldn't listen to him. And, Brother Roy, you see your dream?
And now, I cannot go with a ministry like that, until I feel different in my heart
about it, no matter if God did tell me. But that is what change that,
Brother Roy, that's coming. Something's got to change me, because I, in my heart,
if I go out there feeling the way I do now... I still feel that they ought to
have heared that message, they ought to done... And I don't have the feeling
for the people that I should have. And till I can get that feeling, there's
no need in me going because I'd be a hypocrite. 162 And all these years I've tried to serve Him
with a true heart,
and I won't go out there being a hypocrite. I got to feel that, that it isn't
"Ricky" and "Ricketta," and it isn't this bunch. It's
God's children that's in bondage, and I must go to them. And until I can feel
that way, I'll just have to loaf around, preach some conventions and things,
but wait. Brother Branham’s soul was perfect (he was born
again). But his heart had gone off. This
is showing one of the great aspects of the revealed Word in this day – the
ability to be totally honest with oneself (and with others). The Bride is not trying to keep up an
outward image. God has revealed in
this day the depth of the understanding of a believer’s two identities while he is here in this fallen flesh. In the Scripture below, the separate identities will be color coded as
noted below: * Red corresponds
to the New Soul * Blue corresponds to the flesh and spirit realms (i.e., “the flesh”) ROMANS 7:15-17 15 For that which I do I allow not: for what I
would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. 16 If then I do that which I
would not, I
consent unto the law that [it is] good. 17 Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. Brother Branham in the Standing
in the Gap quote above was showing what the Rapture is all about –
putting off the corruption: I CORINTHIANS 15:52-53 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at
the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised
incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For
this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal [must] put on
immortality. So the body, spirit,
and soul can be pictured this way: Lava From the Center of the Earth
JEFF.IN SATURDAY_ 63-0323 440-2 Brother,
the earthquake burst open, and the stars shake; volcanics will come forth, and the earth will renew itself. New lava will
break forth from the center of the earth, and she'll crumble all around and
around and around when she spins out in yonder. Notice that Brother Branham
ties in the renewing of the earth with lava breaking forth from the center of
the earth. This is a type of the Soul,
the Life of Christ, breaking forth from within us into expression. This is what overcoming
is. When our Soul breaks out through
that “mantle” (spirit) and “crust” (flesh), it is a “volcano” bringing forth
the Life of Christ out from the center of our being (our Soul) so it can be seen. It is the Pond Lily breaking forth through
all of the muck and mire at the bottom of the pond to shine forth all of its
beauty to the world. It is the
Artesian Well springing forth from within to bring forth to the world life
giving Water. Whenever we express
overcoming in a certain area of our lives, that is like a volcano breaking
forth in that area of our lives – the “Lava” of the Life of Christ has broken
forth from our Soul in that area of our lives. And what do people see when they look at a
volcano? LIGHT! And what is the end result
of a volcano? The end result of a
volcano is some of the richest, most fertile soil in the world (volcanic
soils). What comes out from our Soul
is God’s Own Life (Zoe). But that lava
must break forth. There is a battle, an overcoming. The pressure of the lava from within is
greater than the pressure of the mantle (spirit) and crust (body) that are
without: I JOHN 4:4 4 … because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. “greater
is he that is in you” => Soul (lava) “than
he that is in the world” => spirit & body (mantle and crust) And notice how thin
the crust (body) of the earth is as
compared to the mantle / outer core
(the spirit realm, the mind realm): The main overcoming takes
place in our mind (spirit) realm
(the greatest battle ever fought).
Once the lava (Soul) breaks
forth through that mantle (the
human spirit), the final step of the lava breaking forth through the crust (body) is small in comparison: HOW.CAN.I.OVERCOME_ JEFF.IN
63-0825M 71
The thing you have to overcome is yourself,
your ideas, your things, and surrender yourself to Him. He overcome for
you. He knows the way; we don't. Conclusion
Praise God that he sent to us the prophet of Malachi 4 to restore back to us the Faith that was once delivered unto the saints. This restored Faith has revealed to the Bride again God’s great Plan of Redemption. With this restored understanding of God’ great Plan of Redemption came the revelation of how He has redeemed us. This revealed to the Bride again what the New Birth really is. If a person’s understanding of the New Birth is off, it will have far reaching consequences in that person’s spiritual life. Just as a rifle aiming just a tiny bit off at the gun barrel produces a large miss at the target, so if one’s understanding of the New Birth is off it will produce large consequences in that person’s spiritual life. God’s restored revelation of the Mystery has enabled the Bride to have no righteousness of Her own - only Christ is Her righteousness. Christ no longer needs to be on the throne of intercession to intercede for the ignorance of the people – the clear understanding has been restored back again. The true understanding of the New Birth produces the reality of the following quote in the believer’s life: 293-3 PHILADELPHIAN.CHURCH.AGE
- CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.8 But the Jews back there in the time of Jesus did not want to accept
that sacrifice. The blood of bulls and goats made nothing perfect. It was
once God's ordained method. But now Christ having appeared in the flesh, and
by the shedding of His own blood has put away sin and by that offering of
Himself has made us perfect. The Jews would not take that. But what about
that Philadelphian Age, and, yes, the other ages, too? Did they really accept
this reality in Christ? No sir. Even though Luther brought the truth of
justification, the Romish Church, and its eastern counterpart, the Orthodox
Church, still clung to works. Now works are fine, but they don't save you.
They don't make you perfect. It is Christ or perish. And it is not even Christ AND works. It is Christ alone. This age
began the years of Arminianism that does not believe in Christ as the
REALITY. It does not sing of
"Nothing but the Blood," for it sings of "Nothing but the
blood AND my own conduct". Now I believe in good conduct. If you are
saved you will do righteously. We have already gone over that. But let me
tell you now, salvation is NOT Jesus PLUS. It is Jesus ALONE. SALVATION IS OF
THE LORD. From start to finish it is all GOD. Let His life be in me. Let it be His blood that cleanses me. Let
it be His Spirit that fills me. Let it be His Word in my heart and mouth. Let
it be His stripes that heal me. Let it be Jesus, and Jesus Alone. Not by
works of righteousness which I have done. No sir. Christ is my life. Amen. His Life in us is our new Soul. We are the very righteousness of God in Christ. Our Soul cannot and never did sin (disbelieve). That is true justification. Some in the Message have
fought against this soul change teaching.
That is hard to understand, because it all seems so plain and
simple. This soul change teaching is
really just the description of what happens when a person is born again. Some people have negatively
called this teaching a “two souls” teaching.
This can be misleading. It is
not “two souls” in a person at the same time, but it is a soul change - the old soul (“old man”, old
husband) is killed and consequently replaced with the new Soul (the “new
Man”, the new Husband, Christ). That
new Soul is the real you. The Bride member is literally bone of His
bone and flesh of His flesh in his soul realm. Some have also erroneously
stated that this soul change teaching teaches that the old soul is
satan. This is also incorrect. The old soul is a worldly satanic nature,
not satan himself. The following
Scripture describes this: EPHESIANS 2:3-5 3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times
past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of
the mind; and
were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. 4 But God, who is rich in
mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, 5 Even when we were dead in
sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) Hopefully this article has
made it clear that the New Birth is not a change of the “condition” of a
person’s soul, but a replacement of
the soul itself. It is always possible to
find Brother Branham quotes that, if isolated,
will prove a particular point. But
what we want to do is not try to prove our
point, but to see what Brother Branham was trying to explain. We must take all that he said and pray that
God reveals to us the same understanding that Brother Branham was doing his
best to put into words. Only God can
reveal to us His Truth. RISING.OF.THE.SUN_ JEFF.IN
SUNDAY_ 65-0418M 50-6 And now (See?), now you are already
resurrected. When God raised Him up, He raised you; the Son is just now on
you. And now you're growing into a blossom Life like He was to be resurrected
completely in that last day. Your potentials you have now. Why do you know? Your soul changed, didn't it? Your
body come in obedience to It, didn't it? Into obedience to what? A church?
The Word, which is the Life. Then you are now resurrected from the dead. Attachment
Attached is a collection of quotes by Brother Branham regarding the Soul
Change. May they be a blessing to you. |